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2 Novembre 2011

Ancora sull’abuso mercantile di presunte terapie con cellule staminali

Autore: Annalisa
Argomenti: Nuove terapie

Buonasera, sul sito ho trovato questo articolo sull’uso delle staminali nella fibrosi cistica. Mi chiedevo se e cosa ci fosse di fondato.

Cystic Fibrosis Patients See Significant Results with Regenocyte Adult Stem Cell Therapy. Following years of progressive deterioration of this chronic disease, patients see dramatic improvement in their quality of life October 26, 2011 09:29 AM Eastern Daylight Time BONITA SPRINGS, Fla.–(EON: Enhanced Online News)–Angelo DiStefano, 50, has struggled with the symptoms of cystic fibrosis his entire life. He was confined to a wheelchair and every breath was a challenge. DiStefano and his wife spent years researching a variety of treatments that could improve his condition. They discovered Zannos G. Grekos, MD, MAAC, FACC, chief medical officer of Regenocyte and a leading pioneer in the field of adult stem cell therapy, and worked with him to determine a new course of treatment………..”


Abbiamo omesso tutto il resto del lunghissimo testo inserito nella domanda. Ma si troverà risposta allo stesso problema, rispetto allo stesso articolo apparso in Internet, posto in data 16.06.11: Staminali per rigenerare tessuto polmonare: attenzione al mercato degli imbonitori


Se hai trovato utile questa risposta, sostieni la divulgazione scientifica

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