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CFDB: an online database on CF clinical studies

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The Cystic Fibrosis DataBase (CFDB) is a collection of over 1300 scientific papers on the clinical effectiveness of interventions in cystic fibrosis. The database has been active for about ten years and is well known and appreciated both by doctors and researchers. It represents a useful tool to all those who want to know the effectiveness of interventions in CF, i.e. the best antibiotic therapy schemes, the most effective drugs against inflammation, what physical therapy would be best to be administered and much more. It also serves as a meaning to have easy and fast access to information about the state of the art of some emerging fields in CF research.

CFDB is also available to CF patients and families interested in the latest news regarding scientific research, although clinical studies are usually presented in a technical and extremely specific language.

The database is structured as a website – It is free of charge and available to the entire international scientific community. It classifies papers (Systematic Reviews and primary clinical studies, completed or still ongoing) in a structured and easily accessible system.

Its main functions are:

  • to search the literature by keywords, free text, author and/or year;
  • to gather a selection of 50 synopses on the most relevant clinical topics in CF, critically summarizing:
    • what is known – the state of the art of the available evidence;
    • the unresolved questions – what still needs to be clarified through future research.

These topics are created and updated by the specialists who collaborate in the CFDB project: Roberto Buzzetti1, Natalia Cirilli2, Laura Minicucci3, Valeria Raia4, Donatello Salvatore5, Alessio Daniele6.


1) Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation, Verona; 2) FC Center, United Hospitals, Ancona; 3) FC Center, Gaslini Hospital, Genoa (retired); 4) FC Center, Pediatrics Department, Federico II University, Naples; 5) FC Center, San Carlo Hospital, Potenza; 6) OnLime Web & Digital Solutions.